My 'ranting' & 'conspiratorial' email to Canadian officials on the 1st anniversary since I was kidnapped by right-winged Canadian neo-nazi thugs (updated minor errors, broken links, etc):
Date: August 1st, 2012
copies of the above flyer/poster ("The Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary")
were personally handed to me by Norm Little to give to the Pemberton
RCMP if they ever showed up to his now-foreclosed Pemberton 5-acre ranch
GROW-OP (36 marijuana plants that reached approx. 6 feet tall before
harvested). The supplier: Norm’s friend and ‘business partner’, William
‘Bill’ Small, half of the singing duo - The Tall Brothers – a band who
put out one blues/swing-era CD ("Simply Business"), dedicated entirely
to Marijuana. Bill works for the “Compassionate Club” in Vancouver, BC.
– which provides medical grade Cannabis to “medical marijuana” patients
– which I actually think is a noble cause. Norm, facing bankruptcy and
foreclosure, became desperate for cash, and asked Bill to help him
out. Bill, who was heavily financially invested in Norm's new hotel building
(grossly over-financed), agreed to try and raise some "fast cash" by
providing a small grow-op for Norm. Unfortunately, this LITTLE setup
was used as a means to entrap me and helped lead to my bogus and
unlawful deportation. Just before my arrest on August 1st of 2011, Bill
Small gave Norm Little numerous pieces of equipment used for the
production and and other "drug paraphernalia". Norm personally
transported this equipment in his black Ford truck from Vancouver to
Pemberton. He personally handed me a large box and told me he had a
"gift" from Bill to assist me with my cancer treatment.
Later (on August 1st of 2011), while trying to illegally evict me, Norm Little and his hotel manager (Myson Effa) had contacted the RCMP
and falsely told them I had "weapons" and "drugs" and special military
training and that I was dangerous, crazy, etc., which could have gotten
me killed if the RCMP
severely over-reacted. After I was detained on a bogus Immigration
warrant, Norm and his manager personally ransacked my suite, taking out
my old military gear (nothing illegal) and putting it on display. Norm
then carefully staged all of this "evidence" on my counter-top and
photographed it (see below photos). They then called the RCMP back, told them what they found, allowed the RCMP into my suite, without a warrant. The RCMP
found an old .22 calibre gun case (no weapon inside, because I had
reported it stolen in the 1980's). They must have had a hard-on by now,
because they took (stole) multiple items from my suite (all legal to
own), such as a pellet gun and a hunting knife. The "illegal" items
that they claim belonged to me, including "marijuana" did not belong to
me nor did I EVER admit to owning them to the RCMP.
They also claim I had .22 calibre ammunition (I didn't and I never saw evidence to the contrary in any report or investigation). I would
like to see ANY evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt, that I was
in possession of any marijuana or illegal weapons prior to or after my
detainment by the RCMP on August 1st of 2011.
Vancouver Police
later used this “evidence” after-the-fact to falsely justify molesting
me in their filthy jail. They also used this so-called evidence to
create a grotesque and false character assassination of me to justify
their multiple violations of my rights and total disregard for my
personal safety and well-being while under their direct supervision and
care. Please note that the ONLY reason why I was held in the Vancouver
jail was because I had been knocked unconscious, severely injured, and
hospitalized because of the reckless driving of a GENESIS SECURITY
guard (hired agents of CBSA) while transporting me from the Pemberton
Jail to an immigration detainment facility at the Vancouver
International Airport. Their "internal investigation" was hysterically
incompetent and so full of false statements (LIES), that will easily be
discredited once ALL of the FACTS see the light of day. Not that this
was any surprise, given the long history of "unsubstantiated" claims
made by victims of their abuse. To further add fuel to this raging
inferno of Vancouver Police internal corruption cover-ups, my appeal for
further review of my case was denied by one Stan T. Lowe, Police
Complaint Commissioner. Ironically, he came to the conclusion that the
previous "Final Investigative Report" provided no legal basis (false
claims and testimony made by VPD and Genesis Security - isn't that a
crime???) for my being strip-searched and verified my above claims that
neither Genesis Security or the Vancouver Police had access to any of
the above mentioned "evidence", especially considering that the
"evidence" wasn't collected until August 2nd of 2011, long AFTER I had
been strip-searched. However, Stan T. Lowe still managed to come to the
conclusion that the Vancouver Police did no wrong.
The Vancouver Police and their self-serving/self-policing Police Complaint Commission
claim there was sufficient cause to strip-search me for varying reasons
(all-bogus). They claim there were special circumstances that
justified this morbidly perverse and humiliating molestation.
Dear Mr. COMMISSIONER (Stan T. Lowe), Inspector EELY, and others:
Please explain to me how it is that I now have witness testimony from multiple other U.S. citizens (who were also deported and ended up at the same homeless shelter), stating they were also strip-searched in the same manner while at the Vancouver Jail???
Dear Mr. COMMISSIONER (Stan T. Lowe), Inspector EELY, and others:
Please explain to me how it is that I now have witness testimony from multiple other U.S. citizens (who were also deported and ended up at the same homeless shelter), stating they were also strip-searched in the same manner while at the Vancouver Jail???
plot thickens, the evidence against you continues to mount, my
vigilance and my pursuit for justice is unstoppable. Please come to
your senses before you cost your corporate agencies and others further
embarrassment, criminal charges, legal fees, and substantial monetary
compensation to me (I'm thinking $10 million dollars should be a good
starting number). I anxiously await your expedited response and any
offers for financial settlement before I pursue this matter further.
This offer is only being made to the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Police Department
for their part in this fiasco you call a justice system. Further
monetary compensation for this and other charges/claims will be
presented to the Province of British Columbia, Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Village of Pemberton and their RCMP detachment, Genesis Security,
and possible others. If I do not receive a response (offer for
settlement) within the next 21 days, I will assume that you are
admitting guilt to my claims and that you accept my offer to settle for $10 million dollars (U.S.).
I'll donate $9 million of it to charity. How's that? (added August 9, 2016)
I'll donate $9 million of it to charity. How's that? (added August 9, 2016)
Kevin Patrick Wright, Sui juris
A sovereign national and a living, breathing human being.
Non-corporate Natural Law jurisdiction
To see some of the results of my being so cruelly deported, please see the following (tip of the iceberg):
- Post-Deportation Documents regarding my health, safety, assaults against, near death experience, etc. (PDF file)
- My stomach tumor (now small, seems to come & go after very long periods of stressful/unhealthy living) and my "pre-diabetic" (Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar - also comes & goes) conditions have returned causing multiple complications throughout my body, internally and externally.
- On and before 8/8/2012, I became concerned that my cellphone and daily locations were being tracked (multiple clues), so... that morning I shut off my cellphone and removed the battery to prevent tracking. That Wednesday afternoon, while sitting in a Bellingham, Washington store/coffee-shop (food and internet access), a white male in a medium-blue shirt with white Hebrew letters all over the back-side, exited an all-black & unmarked Chevy Tahoe PPV Police Patrol Vehicle (like below), and spoke to someone in management. He left the store shortly after without purchasing anything.
- Wednesday night 8/8/2012, I took a bus back to where I have been staying for a few weeks, courtesy of a local "homeless advocate". Upon unlocking the front door and entering the building, I was hit with an extremely strong odor of gasoline. I quickly ran upstairs, turned on the bathroom exhaust fan, opened all windows and doors, and did the same downstairs, while searching for the gas source. I found a small 1-2 gallon red container of gasoline and a large pressure washing machine in the downstairs hall closet, next to my temporary bathroom and bedroom. Upon opening the closet door, I had to jump back and nearly choked on the explosively strong gas/oil fumes. The lady that heads the organization responsible for the rental unit later admitted (and apologized) for this careless and irresponsible act. I sent notice to them that I would vacate the premises ASAP due to this, theft of belongings, lack of security, lack of a bed or cooking equipment, etc.
- Thursday 8/9/2012, as I was heading to a "free-lunch" for homeless people (at a local Bellingham church), the same all-black & unmarked Chevy Tahoe PPV Police Patrol Vehicle (like below) drove right by me, turning down the road that leads to the Bellingham detachment of U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY (a high-security, fenced-in property across from the church - see map). The white male driver was wearing a medium-light blue shirt, similar to the one I witnessed the day before (possibly the same driver).
- Considering that I have had my email intercepted, my temporary 'home' burglarized, multiple assaults against me on the streets, kicked out of the homeless shelter for defending myself, much difficulty in getting proper nutrition, my cellphone and internet activities tracked, and much more undocumented occurrences, I am now apparently being followed by Israeli's working for "Private Security" companies and zee department of zee Homeland Zeecurity. Tell me, considering all that has happened to me recently, would you be suspicious??? Think I'm crazy? Well, check out this news story about Israeli's training USA cops and other departments of "Homeland Security"! ;-)
- Wednesday, 8/16/2012, arrived at my temporary sleeping place. Found accessible windows unsecured, upstairs bathroom towel rack was pulled out of the wall and drywall on the floor. Office computer monitor on. Someone wiggled the front door knob at approximately 2am in the morning, then someone opened the exterior crawl-space door. I yelled out at them and didn't hear anything else. I've seen a neighbor girl (black Muslim, maybe teen or early twenties) running from behind the house and back to her place across the shared parking lot (usually as I am approaching the front porch). Very strange group (family?). Violent attitude and foul mouth on the young teen male, lots of yelling in Arabic (assumption). Leave for mosque/temple every night after 10pm (females w/ veiled faces), back after midnight. Loud and they leave garbage everywhere in the yard. Could be "patsies" being prepped for some fake (false-flag) FBI setup, like all the other "domestic terrorist" attacks that turned out to be B.S. Mossad is notorious for this crap as well. Remember the "DC Beltway Sniper"??? Well, he was originally staying at the local Bellingham homeless shelter (Lighthouse Mission) before his murderous shooting spree. There are some SERIOUSLY screwed up mental patients walking the streets of Bellingham, courtesy of all the "compassionate" government agencies, "clinics", and "recovery" organizations who pass out "Happy Pills" like they were candy. More and more each week seem to be coming out of the woodwork and woe be to those who might be around when they are "off their meds!
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Similar un-marked style, but the one I saw had a heavy-duty front "Push Bumper" |
This is what I am fighting! This is what we ALL should be fighting against!
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information of the author are not for sale, reuse or redistribution without the written
consent of the author:
Kevin Patrick Wright (TM) © Copyright April 28, 1964-present
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