Saturday, February 14, 2015

CONFESSION: I killed a person... (resurrected to finish my work here) order to save a man. The #corporate "person", once known by the all-capitalized fictitious alias "KEVIN PATRICK WRIGHT" has finally been put out of his lifelong misery, once and for all. He faced multiple attempts on his life and many in government and private enterprise tried to "suicide" him or make him otherwise "disappear." I saved them the trouble.
I, Kevin Patrick: Wright, sui juris, a flesh and blood, living and breathing human being, neither authorized, nor willingly or knowingly gave up my unalienable #natural birth rights. These rights were deceptively taken from me (as well as my Mother and Father), against my will and without my consent, in order to place me into indentured servitude to the corporate State. This bond is hereby being revoked. Any and all funds (or other valuable considerations) attributed to, reserved for, or otherwise associated with my corporate person, a.k.a. my "Straw Man", are to be returned to their rightful owner (me, Kevin Patrick: Wright, sui juris, the living human being) immediately and in gold coin or bullion.

The following document (photocopy) and associated numerical representations were issued after my natural birth. My true biological mother and father are identified clearly, as are the relative dates and locations of birthplaces.

Kevin Patrick Wright, sui juris
(the natural, living & Sovereign man)
DOB: April 28, 1964
 Born at Riverview Hospital in Noblesville, Indiana


(the fictitious corporate "strawman")


 This is all true folks! No matter how crazy, crude, or perhaps how lame you may find my story or myself... it's my blog, my story, my life... deal with it!  :]~ 

Fight or Flight
Several years ago, I was exiled in Canada (2006-2011) due to continuous threats, gang-stalking, false arrests and several attempts on my life in the country of my natural birth, the "United States of America." I believe I was targeted for public dissent, handgun ownership, actively investigating government & military corruption (like Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, etc.) as well as "Private Security" and/or Corporate Police/Military/Mercenaries (contractors). Over time, I became very concerned for my safety after my homes and cars were broken into and many other frightening events that were used to intimidate, discredit, humiliate, and render me as "crazy." Shortly thereafter, I lawfully purchased numerous handguns & a small calibre hunting rifle for home, auto, and personal protection. I also took extra training courses (post-military) to further my skills & to lawfully obtain a Concealed Weapons Permit.
Guns, he's got gun's!!! :)
At first, the State of Florida refused my application for a CWP due to the FBI having false, exaggerated, and/or outdated "offenses" on my record. I appealed and won after proving my innocence with Indiana court documents. (BTW, this bogus FBI investigation also delayed my entrance into the military by 6 months). Of course, these "gun offenses" were all setups; one was in regard to a bogus arrest from a 'dirty' and fat small-town cop, one of many back in the 1970's-1990's in Noblesville, Indiana... the county seat of gov't. for Hamilton County. This jerk went out of his way to coerce me into an unlawful search of my automobile and my person. His "probable cause" for pulling me over... my tag light was out late at night. He said he could not, in good consciousness, allow me to drive home with such a "safety violation." He said that he would have no choice but to tow my vehicle and to personally take me home. As a result, 'for his own safety and mine' and because he was "not a taxi service", I would need to be searched, of course.
Hand's up, don't shoot!!!
He forced me against the trunk of my car and demanded to know if I had any 'drugs, weapons, sharp objects, bazooka's, etc. on my person.' A real smart-ass, this guy. Having no real fear of doing anything unlawful nor having harmed a soul, I kindly and calmly informed this public servant (hands visible, peaceful) that my friend and I had been to the gun range earlier in the day and that I still had a tiny .25 calibre handgun in my leather jacket's chest pocket (later stolen). I also had at least one or two other lawfully purchased handguns and two or more clips of ammo in a zipped black duffel bag on the front passenger-side floor (also later stolen via a B&E). He tightened his grip on me, cuffed me, and told me not to move as he searched my jacket. I believe he "called it in" at that point, repeated his commands that I not move, or "face serious bodily injury" (paraphrasing of expletives).
The "easy way" out.
After I was searched, he proceeded to thoroughly search my 'dangerous' automobile, finding everything that I said would be there and no more. Yes, they were loaded. I informed him that I usually do a simple breakdown, clips out, safety 'on' setup before I left the gun range, but was in a hurry and forgot due to an upcoming date that night, which ended well and without injury. :) After he & his "backup" patted themselves on the back for "getting more guns off the streets", I was taken to and booked into Hamilton County Jail. This cop never read me my "Miranda Rights" & interrogated me at the jail in a tiny room without a lawyer. I remained calm, courteous and cooperative the whole time, which really upset him because he seemed hell-bent on getting a "reaction" from me.FAIL.
So, he leans over my back, close to my face and states "You know, if you had made just one move toward your gun earlier, I would have had no problem in blowing your head off." I told him I felt the same toward him. :)  Not happy, he turns me over to the custody of another tall and obese pig, this one with a strong British accent. This pompous Neo-Nazi skinhead actually called my uncle and had a long chat (small town). He then, almost with pleasure, informed me that my grandmother had recently passed away (I didn't know yet). I have no problem in admitting that I cried. We were close at heart but seldom saw each other for many years due to my not wanting to be near my Mother.
I was then fingerprinted, very forcefully, then forced to take off my shoes to be x-rayed (no kidding, you know... 9/11 *cough*), remove all of my clothes (on camera), remove hat (exposing my embarrassingly unfinished real-hair implant surgery), bend over, spread my butt cheeks (so the sick pervs got two smiles that night), turn around and lift my testicles, then stand very still while I was literally hosed down with a "precautionary" high-pressure chemical "delousing" spray (head to toe, front and back sides). I calmly expressed my unwillingness to perform this sadistic sub-human treatment. He looked at me with a firm, if not evil scowl, and said "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, makes no difference." I was later told to shower and get dressed. A sympathetic and trustworthy friend at the time bailed me out... again!
The Brotherhood
Most of the guys on the Noblesville police force (& Hamilton County Sheriff) did not like my step-"uncle." One former arresting officer told me this during transport and actually said "I truly feel sorry for you, being Ray Robert's 'nephew'." You see, my "uncle" (son of my grandmother's 2nd husband), Ray F. Robert junior (Freemason, like his daddy "Fritz", the perv), was a "seasoned veteran" with the Sheriffs Department, as well as the man in charge of the new "high-security" county jail. It might be noted that "Uncle Robbie" stated that I was "never one of his favorites" as a child. HA! Likewise, because he was a pompous jerk of a cop, had a violent temper, including toward his wives & his/her kids. Interestingly, Ray F. Robert, jr. always dated and married Police Dispatchers (the latest one, Dianne?, STOLE all of my infant/childhood photos, & who knows what else, from my now dead Grandmother's belongings. She personally told me there was "no way" I was getting those back).
Almost every single time I entered Hamilton County, I was arrested, strip-searched and held overnight in "uncle Robbie's" jail. Once, I was even arrested & transported to the hell-hole town of Anderson, Indiana, where I was jailed with and later shackled to a punk black kid who bragged about raping a girl (I really struggled to keep from choking him). My crime... I accidentally bounced a check to my vet because my transmission suddenly went out and I had to get my engine rebuilt (vehicle purchased from "uncle" Robbie), emptying my bank account, even though enough cash funds had been deposited days before (possibly Thursday or Friday, around 2:30-3:00pm). The bank did not post the money till Monday or Tuesday, causing almost $500 in bounced check fees and my arrest.
No-Knock theft!!!
Most of my lawfully purchased guns were stolen from my apartment, home or auto without anything else being stolen and no locks, doors, windows, etc. were ever broken or left unlocked. I always had a horrible time in getting the police to take any reports of stolen handguns. The police were always furious and twice hung up on me, refusing to take "another g*d-damned stolen handgun report" that was tainting the city's overall "public-safety" reputation (S. Florida). I was blown away and once threatened to go to the newspapers if the lady (dispatcher?) didn't take my report. It got ugly. "They" (Cops, FBI, etc.) routinely toyed with me back then & still do to this day (Canada & US). Here's a great video showing how Canada's CSIS & others terrorize individuals & families whom they target:
The ZERZETZEN Documentary Video

Just ONE of the infantile & moronic clowns sent to harass me:
Guy tries to sneak up behind me after filming me. Doesn't see me film him until it's too late. Claimed to be looking for loose change. Dressed in nice gear, backpack, crew cut. One of many!
 SmartPhone Spying on You

Empty Promises and Empty Vaults
Some of my other "questionable activities" included researching Sovereignty, Common & Natural Law, Natural/Holistic Medicine vs Toxic FDA-approved Pharmaceuticals, Environmental Hypocrisy, Freemasonry, Military Industrial Complex and the Banking Cartel. I became aware of a shocking revelation and sought to understand more about how a small group of private money-lenders (IMF & the Federal Reserve) superimposed a usury ponzi-scheme over the nations monetary system and used "We The People" as #collateral for the new fiat currency (debt). My research led to some very disturbing conclusions and awakened me to the Grand Illusion, the Matrix, also known as The New World Order, created by the financiers of another fictitious corporation, "The United States of America." But that's just more crazy "conspiracy theorist" stuff, right?
Desperate Measures For Desperate Times
After spending several years awaiting approval of my asylum in BC, Canada, I became more and more frustrated with government lies and bureaucracy and even more desperate... literally just trying to survive while battling illness and injuries. As an asylum-seeking Canadian "immigrant", I was not officially "allowed":
  1. to work to support myself,
  2. to travel freely,
  3. to use the medicine of my choice, 
  4. to protect and defend myself, nor
  5. to question authority or report corruption.
Let The Chips Fall Where They May
This all came to an abrupt halt on August 1st, 2011. I refused to vacate my monthly rental suite due to an ongoing battle between my unscrupulous criminal landlord and myself. He failed to follow the law regarding tenant/landlord rights and instead, resorted to threats, intimidation, and a phone call to his buddies in the Pemberton Village Council and RCMP. At the same time, I was battling with the even more corrupt CBSA (Canada Border Security Agency). Unbeknownst to me, they had issued a warrant for my arrest for allegedly missing an immigration hearing. So, the RCMP arrested/jailed me and then CBSA hired private-security thugs (Genesis Security) to kidnap me and transport me to Vancouver for my "immigration status review" (interrogation).

After being severely injured, rendered unconscious, hospitalized, fingerprinted and photographed three or four different times/locations, unlawfully & perversely strip-searched, jailed/tortured and interrogated, I was released from custody. Barely conscious, exhausted, dehydrated, hungry and traumatized... I had to find my way by foot, on a very hot day, to a distant bus station and wait for the next bus home (7pm + 3 hour trip, at my expense). Upon arriving "home", I discovered that my landlord and his manager had assumed I was being deported, so in my absence they decided to rummage through everything I own, steal what they wanted, and set up a very lame and fake marijuana "grow op" to further "prove" to RCMP/CBSA that I was a "dangerous" guy with "military training." RCMP told me they knew it was a fake setup, but did nothing, as usual.

The landlord/manager had unlawfully broken into my nearly mint-condition Ford Explorer 4x4, stuffed nearly everything I owned into it, and then had it impounded. What wasn't impounded, or stolen, was recovered after I had called RCMP for assistance. RCMP didn't care that I had been robbed, nor that my truck and extremely valuable possessions were stolen. They mainly watched and glared as I had an acquaintance help me move my remaining property into a monthly storage unit nearby.

I spent the next several months writing letters to government, media, and anyone who would listen. I filed many complaints with many agencies, trying to get justice and treatment for my injuries. I mostly spent my days doing very hard menial labor (picking fruit, pulling weeds, etc.). This further aggravated my injuries and left me barely able to work more than a few hours a day. I was literally weak, in severe pain, malnourished and starving. Then, out of desperation, at 5:55pm on October 26th, 2011... I wrote a letter to the village council, the mayor, the RCMP and others. I informed them that I was tired of being ignored, neglected, threatened, etc. and I intended to start filing lawsuits immediately. Less that 24 hours later, around high-noon, the Canadian Calvary came a knockin'. Once again, I was cuffed, shackled, bound and caged like an animal. I was driven straight to the US border, without due process, and left to die on the streets, literally with nothing but the clothes on my back.

I have struggled for several years now, "living" briefly in a homeless shelter, then 2+ years on the streets. On rare occasions, I managed to get some small temporary jobs that gave me a little money for food and medicine. Most of that money, however, went to pay for my storage unit in Pemberton, BC (where my remaining belongings were kept secure). This money, roughly ~$2,000, was sent to the owner in $250-$500 increments until I recently received a notice that I needed to pay in full or vacate the delinquent unit. I could do neither in a timely manner, so ALL OF MY EARTHLY POSSESSIONS were officially "disposed of" just like they did to my impounded truck, tools, clothes, electronics, furniture, sports equipment, valuable art, etc.

Along with all of my other stolen possessions, I also "lost" all of my personal papers including my original birth certificate, diplomas, military records, medical records, business records, details of my inventions, diaries, research for multiple books, and more. I also had numerous and very valuable works of art and several computers full of personal files and portions of my work portfolio. ALL of these very personal and private items are now in the hands of total strangers. This despicable and immoral outrage has put me in an ever-increasing state of danger and leaves me susceptible to an unprecedented violation of my privacy rights, to identity theft, and even more disturbing, leaves me vulnerable to further victimization by a fascist corporate government or their cronies.

To thwart these efforts to steal my identity or commit fraud in my name, as well as to safeguard my future, I am exposing this massive fraud known as "citizenship". I no longer take claim to being a "citizen" or member of any State, Nation, or society. I am a free-thinking, living human being who wishes to be left alone. I revoke any claims or "benefits" from the United States government, her financiers, and her 'representatives'. My inalienable natural rights, granted by my "Creator" shall not be infringed, nor shall any of my financial or other acquired gains be further relinquished or commandeered. What's mine is mine and I demand full restitution of any assets that rightfully and lawfully belong to me.

Kevin Patrick: Wright, sui juris
Twitter: @Kevin_P_Wright
Design Blog:
If "A. Friend" would happen to acquire all of my records, esp. what the FBI and CSIS have, I would be extremely grateful, since I seem to have lost (had stolen) ALL of my personal files, as well as everything else. I would be VERY interested in knowing what kind of sickening lies and slander have been associated with my name and what is in my "official" and unofficial records/dossier/profile. I can assure you that a recurring theme will have been designed in such a manner as to:

  • make me look mentally unstable :-]~ and depressed (they always push that lie for gun control)
  • show that I'm an outcast, loner, broken family, divorced, alcoholic father, ex-military, highly intelligent, likes Russians, blah blah blah blah blah blah. *yawn*
  • let the Cabal brotherhood know I'm a nosy, arrogant troublemaker and neither want to play their twisted games nor be their slave anymore, so... "off with his head." :/
My old computer and a few items of clothing were about all I got back from Canada because a former BC acquaintance delivered them while on a trip to Seattle. So, my computer and large hard-drives went through the Canadian Border (CBSA/Genesis Security) and then the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. I'm obviously on numerous "lists" and my computer and smartphone are obviously hacked/cracked/tracked and recently wiped.

Please contact me to arrange sharing any reliable and well-sourced information about me. Though it may be difficult for you to get it to me since I can't trust Google Mail or even encrypted mail from what some "experts" say. I think MEGA chat would work, but I'm open to recommendations.

Current Condition/Needs:
The Sob-Story Continues - Hardcore truth, as always.
Please see this updated post for the critical and desperate state that I am in:
 Homeless Abuse or an Ungrateful Bum??

The following blog post is a detailed chronology of my story with corroborating evidence:

Deportation Related Documents

No actual living human being was harmed during this person's execution.
The same, however, cannot be said for Canada's immigration thugs, who severely injured me before they brutally and unlawfully deported me.

Seeking 'Green' Sponsorships/Donations/Investments

    • Currently, I am looking for one or more sponsors to help me set up a #Bitcoin or #CrowdFunding account so I can purchase a #3Dprinter and supplies in order to produce a revolutionary construction invention of mine. I'm looking for companies like Manitoba Harvest and other #Hemp-based product and raw material producers. I'm also looking for #Graphene and similar manufacturers and raw material producers. After I am able to produce a "proof of concept" model, I will be ready to start building homes with this system. This will require MASSIVE volumes of natural/organic materials, aiding Hemp farmers, Graphene manufacturers, and others to have an ENDLESS purchase agreement. A radical approach to housing people that also empowers farmers and others to produce clean, healthy, and perfectly #sustainable products while also gaining an endless CASH stream. Here is the link to my vision:
        • Compassionate donations/investments are also being sought, but only so I can "survive" while trying to get this business going. I detest "charity" for myself but I now have to think of my basic health and survival (food, clothing, transportation, temporary housing or camping supplies). I prefer to consider any funds received as an investment in the future of humanity. A lofty vision but nevertheless feasible (see the link above).
          1. Food Gift Cards & Monthly Bus Passes
          2. Outdoor clothing & camping gear @ Yeager's or similar local stores.
          3. Monthly Storage - lost my storage unit. Need Housing.
          Please contact me via my Encrypted ProtonMail or Twitter accounts to let me know you want to offer a Sponsorship/Partnership or make a Donation/Investment or if you can help me set up a CrowdFunding account.
          Encrypted Email:
          Twitter Profile: @Kevin_P_Wright
          My Design & CAD Blog

          This blog, and all relative personal information of the author are not for sale, reuse or redistribution without the written consent of the author:
          Kevin Patrick Wright (TM) © Copyright April 28, 1964-present

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