Currently Homeless, Harassed, Temporarily Eating Better, Exercising Through Chronic Pain, Jaded, But Surviving
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That winter "homeless" look that chick's seem to dig, along with my sarcasm & boyish charm. (|:]-~ |
- IMMIGRATION FILES - PDF: Deportation-Related Documents, Mug-shots, proof of torture, rights violations, etc.
- MULTIPLE ATTACKS AGAINST ME (THE EARLIEST ONES) - PDF: POST-DEPORTATION INCIDENTS & CONDITIONS. Multiple assaults and even attempts on my life after being forced into homelessness, including one by a very large Native American, who was drunk & arrogant, demanded I acknowledge his being "Native!" He then said he was once "CIA"...... "Oh, you doubt me, motherfucker? Here, look at these fucking x-rays!" He then handed me a very heavy-duty, high quality green resin or plexi-like binder. It was dark, extremely cold & I can't remember the latch style, but it certainly was full of x-rays and certainly looked high-level military/intelligence, according to watcha see on the TeeVee. :\ See the timeline UPDATES below for more assaults, harassment and abuse.
- GOOGLE & YAHOO ACCT'S - RARELY EVER RECEIVE EMAILS OR REPLIES. Thousands of job resumes sent, letters to media, gov't, etc. Never a response. I don't have the time, patience, focus, or equipment to guarantee secure email of internet service. My browser is crashing with more frequency & my computer fan is revved to the max + high memory usage. I can currently function in front of my computer, especially if doing something creative or interesting. I also do well with Yoga & exercise when I'm medicated and pain-free. Other than that, my attention span seems limited, which really effects my ability to accomplish much with my current dilemma.
- Followed/monitored/harassed everywhere by either local police, sheriff deputies, FBI/DHS, CSIS/RCMP, plus whoever drives all of the unmarked cars with tinted windows. I've been logging a lot of this activity on my Twitter account as well as all of the individuals who approach me, attempt to agitate me in order to get a negative or violent "reaction" from me, so they can call the police & claim I assaulted them, etc, etc.
and more...
Homeless Abuse or an Ungrateful Bum??
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The Sob-Story Continues - Hardcore truth, as always. |
UPDATE: January 27, 2016 (Retard stalkers are at it again!)
- Wendy, a local homeless woman, has a new 'boyfriend' who she has also convinced that I "assaulted" her. She already got her convict son & other "friends in low places" to threaten my life. This simpleton, Robert, wears all cammo clothes & rides a bicycle at night with Wendy... scavenging & who knows what else. They've been riding past me late at night & harassing me at various places I go. Today, at a community meal, Robert was trying to 'poke', provoke and agitate me... AGAIN. When I called him out, HE got angry and aggressively got in my face. I knocked him backwards with a one-handed push to the chest & warned him to not threaten me again. He went around the room whining that I "punched" him "in the face." Yawn! Nobody bought it because he is a known liar and con. The manager told me to inform police.
- I've also been observing and documenting NUMEROUS people gang-stalking me, including local flamers & asshole Canadians fresh off the Bolt Bus from Vancouver. These people are dangerously stupid & have no idea how obvious they are.
- The most obvious local people who are harassing me all have two primary links.... they are affiliated with, serviced by, or otherwise employed by organizations that admittedly STALK & CATALOG #homeless people >>> Opportunity Council & The Lighthouse Mission. If you are not dependent on government for daily survival, they TARGET you!!!
- Routinely stalked by teams/groups with various "excuses" as to why they are harassing a penniless & homeless man who has done them no harm (yet).
- Feeling very nauseated and in a lot of pain this week due to limited nutrition and a lot of stress. Plus, it's raining and that makes "camping" more difficult & burdensome.
- I need to earn at least $10/week to buy seriously needed #MMJ. Unfortunately, no one will hire me & I have no bus fare left. And before you say "But, have you tried..." Yes, I likely have.
- Roughly between 12:30pm & 1:00pm on Wednesday... Just got off the crowded hot bus near a local "free lunch" at a big church (Wed. & Thurs.). A lot of people (10-15+) got off the bus and filled up the sidewalk. Most of them very overweight. I "excuse me"d my way around them with my heavy laptop shoulder bag & another heavy bag in my right hand. Just as I passed two large people on the left (next to the sidewalk/road curb, bike-path on the road edge), I saw one of the regular female lunch attendees (she already ate lunch) heading directly toward me on her mountain bike. She clearly saw me, had a pompous look on her face, and refused to get on the bike path or stop as she was heading straight into heavy pedestrian sidewalk traffic. I thought... "Surely she is not stupid enough to expect everyone to clear the sidewalk for her and her bike." I was wrong! She proceeded to keep getting closer and closer until I had to make a quick decision: a) jump to the right, letting her spiked foot pedals grind into my left leg, or b) jump to the right into the bike path ~8" below, risking a broken ankle & laptop, or c) quickly raise my shoulder bag up in self defense as her handlebar crashed into me. BOOM! Take a guess which one I chose?
- OMG!!! "You knocked me into the street. What kinda man are you?" Blah blah blah. Boo Hoo! Hey everyone, look at me, the helpless female who just got bullied. Whatever! I kept walking, pissed off and sweating from the near 90degree heat. Shortly later, her 'boyfriend' rode his bike along side me and told me I pushed his girlfriend into the street, that I had better watch back, and that her son was going to come after me. I told him he had better be careful making threats toward me. I proceeded to go eat lunch. Another homeless guy who I know asked me what happened (word traveled fast). He was told by her 'boyfriend' that I "body slammed" Wendy to the street. W.T.F.??? Are you kidding me? I told him what happened and he said he told Scott that he knew me and questioned the story.
- So, I knew if I didn't show up for Thursday's lunch that I would have been labeled a coward and thereby admitting "guilt", setting me up for retaliation. Thursday, I walked into the church dining hall to get in line for lunch. THERE HE IS!!! THAT'S HIM!!! (she said, arm extended, finger pointing). They were both eyeballing me, sizing me up. I confidently walked right past them, smiling without a care in the world.
- From the back of the line, they continued to stare me down. Wendy disappeared. So I walked up to the remaining posse and informed them that whatever they think happened, DIDN'T HAPPEN. Wendy's son stepped up to me and said "That's my mom, nigga!" Whatever. "Yeah, I'll see you after you leave here." (paraphrasing). Okay, I walk away, unimpressed. I didn't do what they think and I'm not taking shit. Nor am I stupid enough to let them get me kicked out of the weekly "free lunches" or get put in jail. Fallen for that before. I informed the staff of the threats... just in case. One of them called the police to be nearby and that apparently spooked Wendy and her son, who disappeared. The other tall guy actually came up to me like a rational human being and said let's all make this go away and just mutually agree to apologize. I said "No problem, I have no ill feelings and think we were both being stubborn, nevertheless she shouldn't have been on the crowded sidewalk with her bike. Wendy rolled past on her bike, he motioned for her to come apologize & she said "fuck that" and left. I left without incidence and hope that is over. No blood, no foul.
- Threatened with a gun as I was exiting the gated entry to my temporary storage (by a psycho "male nurse" who lives in his pickup with a pug dog), but the "prosecutor" let the guy walk, even after the arresting officer booked him on FELONY HARASSMENT charges (allegedly). I'll elaborate further on this soon, as well as all of the other assaults & threats to me that have been dismissed by local PD & the prosecutor.
- Emailed the prosecutor (after having to email the city for the prosecutors unpublished email/contact). CC'd local media & AP, for what that is worth... they have never responded in over 3.5 yrs).
- Getting the police report soon. Been busy trying to survive.
- Assaulted by a one-legged fat homeless guy in a wheelchair... no kidding.
- So, I was having a pretty decent day; job hunting, trying to sell an old laptop to get new boots, listening to music on headphones, trekking around town for food, public restrooms, etc. Because of the amount of weight I carry everywhere (100+ pounds of clothes, gear, food, etc.) and because of my medical issues, I need to stop every 15 minutes or so of walking. It really depends on the temperature outside. I do better in winter.
- I was on my way to top-off my water bottle for the night & use a public restroom. I stopped at a corner (almost all street corners have banks... go figure). I unpack my load for a brief rest and lean against it, breathing heavily, shaking off the heat, getting dehydrated. Just as I'm putting my backpack & gear back on, no less than THREE of Bellingham cops pull up to the intersection, looking at me very suspiciously. I assumed some "concerned citizen" was worried that I was a "terrorist". The lead cop (blonde-haired "Aryan"-looking) gave me a large fake smile :] as he drove by. I reciprocated, assuming they realized I was "just a bum."
- ~30 minutes later... The next leg of my journey through downtown Bellingham was a little shorter since it was going slightly uphill and I was exhausted and dehydrated. I stopped one block from my watering hole, sat on a marble bench (on a corner) at a bank and rested. Within a few minutes, a fat guy in a wheelchair with one leg (wearing a red beret & dark shades) rolls up on me fast, acting like an arrogant "bad-ass", makes a couple of incomprehensible sentences as he rolls slowly by me. I asked him to repeat what he said because I couldn't understand him. He got angry, whipped his chair around, rolled right up between my legs and starts belittling and harassing me. WTF???
- I told him he was invading my personal space and trying to intimidate me. I told him to back off, keep away from me and to move on. He said it was a public sidewalk and he could do what he wanted. I corrected him on his knowledge of the law & human rights. He then wheels around my mass of gear & says "There is no way in hell that you carry all this weight around." I laughed and said I do it daily, everywhere I go. He said "Bullshit, I'm a big guy with big arms and I couldn't carry that." He demands that I put on my pack/gear to prove to him I can carry it. I told him to get lost I was really exhausted and very dehydrated.
- He would not get out of my face! So, I pulled out my cellphone like I was going to call the police. He said GOOD, call them! Instead, I turned on my camera and began recording him. He thought that was funny and gave me a real clown show as he kept rolling toward me. He grabbed the phone once but I got it back quickly. Eventually, he decided he no longer liked being filmed and growled "You sonofabitch, give me that fucking thing" as he lunged at me, grabbed my hand & camera, trying to forcefully snap the camera in two. He grabbed both of my hands/wrists and was pulling me to his chest. I was falling into his wheelchair and onto his fat gut, when I broke one hand lose and pushed his head backwards until his chair tipped over sideways.
- He went over slowly, holding onto me, then immediately LUNGES at my lower legs with both arms, locking hold and trying to bring me to the ground. I had no choice but to kick at him to get him off of me. I jumped backward, putting distance between us. Two pedestrians walked up and were shocked to see a one-legged guy rolling on the ground, screaming that I attacked a "paraplegic" and that I was going to jail (he said with a big grin). I told them what this guy was trying to pull and that I had caught it all on video. I asked one of them to call the police. The light-skinned black male called, waited, and witnessed for police. (I was shocked when I saw the video below since it wasn't what I expected to see. It's the first one that got cut-off when he tried to grab the phone. The most revealing video that captured most of his violent behavior and threats got lost when the phone got slammed onto the concrete & the battery fell out).
- Fortunately?, a cop who I had spoken to before (I called police one night when 'gangstas' were stalking me through town) was the first guy to show up. As usual, when cops are called about a "fight" or injury, an ambulance, firetruck, and at least two other cops and a Washington State Police car show up to join the parade (great use of taxpayer resources). The second cop to approach me was the smiling "Aryan" from earlier. He asked if I was the guy they saw about 30 minutes ago. I said yes, this was how far I got before I had to rest again.
- The entourage of Public Servants were initially surrounding the "paraplegic" laying on the sidewalk, complaining that I just came up to him and started "beating the shit" out of him for no reason. Ummm, okay, whatever psycho! I asked one of the paramedics for some water because I could barely speak to the cop. The tall, thin high and tight paramedic had a real pompous & condescending attitude toward me. He was really rude and disrespectful, I assume because he thought I assaulted the guy on the sidewalk. ASSumptions are not always as they first appear. After being "interviewed", I had to ask the paramedic for the water he held the whole time while he was with the "paraplegic". He had a smart-ass attitude and snarkily said "Here ya go, courtesy of the kind people of Bellingham." Yea, thanks... I feel special now.
- The first cop eventually came back to me after interviewing the other guy and the 'witness'. He was very professional and understanding when I showed him my video evidence and told me that I was lucky, because without my video evidence, I WOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED and it could have taken days to pull the surrounding street camera footage (if at all). And THAT is how the game is played. I'm surprised this "paraplegic" guy didn't already have "witnesses" standing by to corroborate his BS scam. The cop told me the guy wasn't going to press charges (gee garsh, thanks) and asked what I wanted to do. I wanted it over with and knew it was a waste of time to pursue "justice", even though the asshole in the wheelchair attacked me, lied to everyone, tried to get me arrested, tried to destroy my phone, and broke my brand new headphones (a gift).
UPDATE: June 13, 2015 (Merry X-mas, well... sorta)
- Someone donated a lot of nice stuff to a place I frequent, so I now have a better laptop bag and some new clothes (gotta dig out the old stuff first). Hi-top steel-toed BOOTS are desperately needed (waiting for a debt to be paid for boots $). As far as my busted up old heavy-duty construction boots go... I duct-taped the inside of the side seams that were ripped open. Better for now, but the heels are gone.
- I have been forced to start recording a LOT of people, cars/plate numbers, & other suspicious activity. It seems that some BS "Homeless Advocates", amateur press/photographers, and other "Opportunists" have been gang-stalking the homeless and "partnering" with local police. All digital copies of their faces, cars, tags, etc. are saved online on a secure server. Canadian and US tags, usually coordinated with other vehicles and/or pedestrians. They are not trying to hide very well, so I'm assuming this is intimidation or a bigger setup (or they're retarded "volunteers").
- NUMEROUS attempts at entrapment have been made recently by permanent/chronic "residents" of the Lighthouse Mission. Several guys who stay there tried to get me to smoke weed at the public library & near kids, in front of the Public Market, and other stupid places that would increase the likelihood of anyone going to jail. Some of these bottom-feeders have been probing me for personal information like what I have in my packs, where do I sleep, where do I hang out, etc. Nunya dam bidness!
- The other group of annoying pestilence from the Lighthouse Mission and around this Bizarro World town are the "out and proud" group of guys who get off on sexually harassing heterosexual men (seriously). They try to act nonchalant but it is repulsively obvious because they start group conversations amongst themselves while using extremely crude, foul, verbal descriptions, as well as graphic reenactments... and they love bending over and sticking their disgusting asses in peoples faces, who just happen to be the only other people around. A few of these guys are borderline felony stalking and risking injury. Some of them are also hackers, possibly explaining why some always try to sit very close or right next to me (proximity?).
- Whomever my harassers are; whether it's the Mission, Opportunity Council, Film Crews, Cops, Feds, etc. is irrelevant when you are on the streets and in survival mode. A lot of people are going out of their way to push my buttons including gov't tools, so I've been compiling a great portfolio of them and their details as well. I am in no way intimidated by these simple-minded trolls who are probably getting cash or "treats" for their spying & snitching on other homeless.
- And SCREW THEIR DAMN HOMELESS IN BELLINGHAM DOCUMENTARY!!! The Bellingham Opportunity Council (using taxpayer funding), admittedly working with police, gov't agents, 'advocates', film crews, etc. have basically been tracking, tagging & bagging the homeless and taking away any remote chance any of them have to their natural rights, such as THE RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE, THE RIGHT TO TRAVEL, THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY, etc. They have GIS/GPS coded MAPS with names, details, locations, pics, video of homeless "camps" and their "occupants", as well as associated personal data, criminal records if any, etc.
- From what I've seen so far, they cherry-picked the hell out of the available "homeless gene-pool" options and told only a few heart-wrenching stories to justify the huge budget for "Homeless Advocates" and programs, programs, programs. The truth is that most of the homeless are either mentally ill, perpetual addicts & criminals, or were screwed over by the government and/or military.
- The Opportunity Council now has the audacity to ask the general public to BLEED a little more for their inept guvment and CROWD-FUND the next 'season' of "stalking the homeless" in /Bellingham documentary. Yep, your government is actually asking you if you can "spare a little change", like $20,000 to start for a FILM!!! The current "Homeless in Bellingham" documentary is available at the local Pickford Film Center... for the suggested donation of $75/person. Garsh, I guess I won't be going. The whole series is nothing more than a scam, falsely depicting the gov't as savior, when it is gov't that is the creator of mass poverty and oppression.
- How many people could they have fed, clothed, and housed had they spent all that money for the documentary on actually feeding, clothing, and housing people??? The Lighthouse Mission alone receives over 1.2 million dollars per year in DONATIONS. What do the homeless get... treated and herded like cattle daily, wasting hours of each day in lines, exposed to cigarette smoke, religious indoctrination, petty criminals/dealers/thieves, mentally ill, welfare freeloaders, etc. And lets not forget the food, mostly handled and prepared by other homeless guests. The Mission is usually the final destination for donated food that gets distributed to the food bank, then Opportunity Council or elsewhere, and THEN to the Mission homeless.
- Everything is ass backwards, but nobody in gov't listens to logic and reason any more.
UPDATE: June 08, 2015 (What a difference a day or week can make.)
- Well, today was a desperate run to the food bank because I was completely out of food except for a couple pieces of stale bread. I decided to go a little later today because I needed to stay out of the heat and rest a while longer after trekking across town several times. As usual, shortly after sitting down, a very tall, grey pony-tailed, "handicapped" guy (had a cane) at down right next to me, leaning on me. He really creeped me out (as in sexual harassment) and I asked him to keep a little distance between us, respecting my space. He copped an attitude and just kept putting his leg against my gear, tapping/waving his foot back and forth, and just acting weird. I told him again to keep off of me (demonstrating with my elbow just how far he should be, minimally). I was even trying to put extra space between us by using my gear as a block, but then he starts leaning on my gear. This creep went out of his way to "tail" me throughout the line, including inside the food bank. Great... another one of these mentally off creeps who love "rubbing people the wrong way." Was it really gonna be another one of those days where I get "provoked" into punching someone's lights out?
- Nope! Holy Cow! What a surprise... after waiting for 30-40 minutes in the heat, I got inside the food bank and saw a totally changed interior layout, with a "grocery store" setup, including refrigerated glass display cases full of assorted perishables & "isles" set up similar to the produce section of stores. They even had heavy duty carts that made it easier for me to get my gear through the food bank. They also had a much more organized and carefully separated sections (protein, bread, produce, etc.). The quality seemed a little better as well, although I returned a 6 month old expired soy milk. Quantity was a little better, but all of the meat/milk/eggs section required cooking or refrigeration, therefore I get nothing from there... painful, since I desperately need protein. However, I did get a large bag of chia seeds. Still only a couple of days worth of food, mostly bread till next week.
- Overall, I was very happy to see the changes and told the Bellingham Food Bank staff that I felt the new layout essentially "humanized" the experience a lot more. I still feel that more portable ready-to-eat, non-perishable items should be available to those of us not fortunate enough to have access to cooking, refrigeration, or storage. Oh, and someone cleaned up some of the food bank garbage scattered on the nearby pathway.
- When not desperately trying to find food & work... I have been forced to do some tactical detective work and am now documenting all of the homeless guys from the Lighthouse Mission (mostly lazy welfare bums, drug dealers, & LOTS of the mentally ill) who have also been tracking me everywhere I go in town. I also know the identity of the person most likely "coordinating" this harassment for his "higher authorities". It's now at least two groups (linked?)... (1) the street "gangsta" wannabes who foolishly think I have money & tons of weed because I'm CLEAN & (2) the "flamers" who don't seem to get that seriously stalking and harassing strictly heterosexual guys like me is laughably ridiculous and can be extremely dangerous.
- They're playing little sophomoric games like "anonymously" complaining to management or whoever is in charge of the establishments I frequently visit, including the library, stores, parks, public restrooms, bus stations, etc. They will trash a washroom or do something else disgusting or violent and then complain or even call the police and report me... anonymously, of course. This BS happens on a regular basis. Low-life Canadian visitors are also doing the same crap. Coordinated Gang-Stalking. Lots of “red squads" with backpacks, unmarked cars with "new" plates, etc. (all recorded on film). Remember, one of their biggest objectives is to make the person they are harassing look "crazy." How's that working? ;)~
- I've already had several "messages" given to me, including one VERY cryptic warning from a Polish engineer (likely a "Fed") who claimed to be very good friends with the owner of the Lighthouse Mission (a former "Correctional Facility" Warden). He told me he was aware of what happened to me at the mission and of my documented complaints. He then said that the owner of the Lighthouse Mission was Polish, like him, and that "We Polish stick together and watch each others backs." He had a very mafioso arrogance.
- The biggest question is... who is paying or giving "benefits" to these punks for harassing and tracking me? Obvious to me. A lot of people do not want to see me succeed, have personal agendas or vendettas against me, are "just doing our jobs", or think it is simply business as usual to crush dissent and destroy the lives of whistle-blowers and others who tell the forbidden truth about what is going on in the world today. It's also important to realize that anyone with a mindset of change for the betterment of humanity is a serious threat to the corporate whores who rob the masses of their natural freedom and replace it with Orwellian slavery. Obey or else!
UPDATE: June 06, 2015 (Extreme/Chronic Spinal Pain, Hunger Pain, Harassment, Holey Boots)
- Desperately trying to get any work I can, but no one will hire me (no phone, address, transportation, ID, etc.). I refuse ANY & ALL government "benefits" (stolen from others). I do go to the food-bank once a week, but since I have no refrigeration or cooking facilities, I can only get two to three meals per week. I only get two other meals from a local church lunch program. Four total meals per week... the rest of my food is BREAD & an occasional piece of fruit.
- The Bellingham Food Bank has FIRMLY told me TWICE that they are too busy providing such excellent service to needy "families", so they don't have the time or interest to provide meals or snacks for the homeless. Well, let me tell ya about this past week at the
Food Bank. There was a chubby mother in front of me with her child. An hour later, the SECOND time I saw her going through the line, she lost the child & had on a different outfit. They were dressed very nice, spoke with a foreign accent, and got help loading LOTS of food into their nice newer SUV. In line, they were behind about 50 other people, the majority of whom were overweight (about ten were grossly overweight or in huge wheelchairs). Many arrived in very nice, even NEW cars/trucks/SUV's and were wearing the latest fashions & sporting the latest advance Smart Phones and other electronics. Most of them smoke cigarettes. These are mostly WELFARE CHEATS & FOREIGNERS milking the system, regardless of the "We feed the needy" marketing BS that brings the Food Bank MILLION$ in donations and provides a decent living for the food bank management. - I was carrying over 100 pounds of gear on my back/shoulders/legs. I waited in line for over an hour in the sun. When I had a place to live & cook, I just barely got enough food from the food bank to last the whole week. This past week, I got 3 cans of soup, a few pieces of fruit, 3 yogurts and a lot of bread... for the whole week. thanks to a local church, I also get two large healthy lunches per week. I can't afford the bus fare to run all over town to the other homeless "feedings" and I try to avoid spending much time with the homeless because of their criminal backgrounds and lack of hygiene and respect for others. I'm alone, suffering in daily pain, and my boots are literally ready to fall off my feet (duct tape ready).
- So, last Wednesday, I was resting my back on a shaded pathway near a creek & new bridge (close to the food bank). Immediately upon arriving, I see several boxes from the food bank, thrown over fences, garbage and food everywhere, thrown in bushes, lining the creek bed, etc. I picked up a lot of the garbage and put it the boxes just as a Bellingham Police Bike Patrol officer rode up on me. He thanked me for cleaning up other peoples mess & said it was "a real shame".
- Irony... the cop was likely called on me by a guy on a bike who stopped and called someone after he crossed over the new bridge (the one where the high school kids smoke dope & mentally twisted and self-proclaimed "queers" have public sex below). All of this typical Bellingham behavior is perfectly acceptable to the establishment, but if someone sees a clean homeless guy with a backpack sitting, eating, and/or stretching along a peaceful and quiet pathway with strange odors lingering... oh my, that's suspicious so call the police.
I have been documenting this FOOD BANK POLLUTION because I find it all over town, off the beaten path, in alleys, parking lots, etc. It's REPULSIVE!!!
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UPDATE: June 02, 2015 (How many guv'ment "agents" does it take to screw in a light-bulb?)
- Garsh, should I be flattered? Apparently, I have a whole team of brain-dead "volunteers" and "informants" following me everywhere, making their presence VERY well known, attempting to annoy me, scare me, sexually harass or whatever else these clowns are trying to accomplish... FAIL!!!
- I've got several pompous skinhead agents who boldly stand right in front of me and point camera phones or touchpads right at me and walk away, sometimes doing this several times a day in several locations around town. Just my imagination? Bullshit! It's likely Canadians, but some of them are local since I am getting a lot more street punks staring at me, following me, quickly texting when they see me, etc. Mission? Food Bank? Opportunity Council? Police???
- I got TWO WHOLE MEALS for this week from the food bank. I've been living off of bread-only for most of my meals this last month. My back pain is truly unbearable lately. I keep pinching my Sciatic Nerve and am worried that I am going to, or have, herniated something. Back and stomach muscles are sensitive and I get "stabbing" sharp jabs that feel like I'm being electrocuted. I need more medicine soon (#MMJ).
- So, I finally went back into the Bellingham Public Market to test the waters and see if the owner would talk to me about the disgusting treatment I received from a few of his newer employees. I didn't get a chance to tell him the other incidents of mistreatment & harassment. I never told him before because I hated complaining when I was often simply a "guest", like many many other people who use the large seating area as a daily public meeting place & for free wi-fi internet access.
- As I was sitting in the front window seating area, on my laptop, Stephen walked up to me with a serious look on his face. All he said was "So, Kevin... I think you need to go!" BOOM!, just like that. After nearly four years of being an on/off customer and being personally told by both owners that they were glad they could provide me with a safe, comfortable place for me to "hang out" and use the internet while trying to re-establish some resemblance of a normal life (work and housing).
- I simply responded (shockingly) "Really!?" Just like that, in spite of all that happened to me, he actually admitted the only reason he was kicking me out of his store was that I had referred to his "barista" as a bitch on my blog. He didn't give a rats ass about me being assaulted, even though I could have beaten that guy senseless. However, I did the right thing by walking away and calling the police (or, so I thought). He said that there were two sides to that story... yeah, dipshit... hers and mine, and hers was a vindictive LIE that the Public Market's security camera just happened to miss (blindspot). Stephen also didn't care that his rude, pompous blonde-haired bitch & butch employee served me coffee in a dirty mug and dumped that same coffee in a 'new' mug after I complained about the dirty one. He said he'd talk to her about that. Gee, that's swell of you, Stephen!
- So, now that I no longer have to worry about getting harassed or insulted by self-righteous schmucks at the OVER-PRICED Public Market, I'm a little more motivated to get things in my life moving in the right direction. Onward and upward.
- One week has gone by since I got assaulted in a local coffee shop/store (Bellingham Public Market). The scumbag employee who treated me like garbage and lied to the police about me, is still working there. Also today, the deaf psycho who assaulted me showed up and stared at me with a smirk as he walked into the store.
- I emailed the owner (Stephen Trinkhaus, husband to co-owner Jillian Trinkhaus) of the store last night, letting him know all of the truthful details, which he likely did not receive from the employees or management. He has not responded so far, in spite of having seen me sitting at the tables in front of his store this afternoon/evening. I'm awaiting his response before I take any further actions.
- I let him know, in spite of how trivial this may seem to him, I take this very very seriously. I've had it with people screwing with me. I'm going to do whatever it takes from now on to make that very clear to my tormenters. There is only so far that a man can be pushed before he strikes back with all he has at his disposal.
- The local Bellingham Food Bank also treats homeless people like shit, all the while 'volunteers'/staff are bending over backwards to help grossly overweight welfare slobs haul large boxes onto a large steel cart and personally help them load the food into their nice newer cars. I have seen as many as 20-30 seriously obese people in just one section of the hour long line to get inside the food bank. They are open four times a week for several hours each time, so the percentage of very fat people supplementing their welfare benefits is pretty high. I have no place to cook, so I'm very limited in what I can take at the food bank. I literally get less than one meal a day from there because they cater to those who have 'families', homes, cars, and lots of "FREE" government assistance.
- The Bellingham Food Bank management assured me that they are very compassionate people, however... they have a strict "system" in place that only allows you to take one item from each section, regardless if you got NOTHING from the previous 5-10 sections because they required cooking facilities. Some of the "volunteer" staff are family members of foreign-born fat people (Polish/Babushka?) who take full advantage of the US welfare "system" and get lots of extra 'free' food at the end of their shift. I've even seen them NOT put out certain desirable or quality items unless asked (hoarding for themselves?). The Bellingham Food Bank spent MILLION$ on a new addition, meanwhile they still serve large amounts of ROTTING & MOLDY fruits & vegetables. They are illogical and inhumane to the truly hungry and sick.
- Had a couple of sick freaks follow me last night. They made some really crude/perverse comments and talked about raping guys. Locked, loaded, and ready for them if they try!
UPDATE: May 17, 2015 (Canadian's, for sure!!! I'm finally back online today.)
- Numerous pests, snitches & other "volunteers" have been following me, trying to intimidate and/or annoy me with cellphone cameras. At least two guys have large, professional cameras with big zoom lenses. Always seem to know where I will be, morning, noon or late night. Surely a coincidence.
- Sometime around 1:30pm, the psycho in the red cap from last night walks into the coffee shop, sees me, walks past the cashier, glaring at me. I immediately got up to go tell store management. I had already told a couple of employees who know me. This nut-job actually stepped in front of me. I told him that he had better stay the hell away from me and tried to step aside so I could walk past him. HE HIT ME WITH BOTH PALMS HARD AGAINST MY CHEST. I immediately knocked his arms up as I hit his chest with my hands in self-defense.
- I asked the"barista" to call the police because I was just assaulted in the store. Unfortunately, she was the newer employee who did not know me. She looks at me like I'm homeless scum, talks bad about me to other employees, etc. Last week, I bought a coffee from her. It was in a very dirty mug. I asked for a new coffee, since this one was obviously not in a clean mug. She never said a word, just took the cup & dumped it in a clean mug, then handed it back. WTF? I calmly told her I think she misunderstood and I wanted another coffee in another mug. She was so damn rude. She went down the counter, bitching to her older coworker. She actually said, loud enough for myself and other customers to hear... "Like I give a fuck!!!" Yeah, after all, I was just a "bum", right? I told management & other employees (owners were not there today) and they said it doesn't surprise them. The acting manager said he has had other complaints on her. She always walks around bitching and moaning about schedules, co-workers, etc.
- Like minds stick together. The "barista" is also buddy/buddy with a local parasite named Juan, who regularly harasses and has even been accused of stalking women (he laughingly admitted it to his chess-playing buddies). I almost punched him this week after he harassed an elderly female volunteer who feeds the homeless at a local church. She was shaking afterwards and told me she had never, in 30 years, lost her patience with someone until Juan was being abusive because she wasn't complying with his pompous demands.
- So, the psycho quickly left the store after I called the police. I followed him to his car and got him on video with his car & plate number at 1:45pm. HOLY SHIT!!! His plates are from British Columbia, Canada & he's deaf!!! This could be related to Norm Little (the scumbag who helped get me deported) and his deaf teacher/advocate wife, Diane Little... she admittedly teaches kids to use their deafness to "work the system". She tried this in bankruptcy court (demanded an interpreter, cried about human rights abuse, etc.) but the judge didn't buy it. They lost millions in Real Estate due to greed, bad investments, mismanagement and corruption.
- I then went back inside the store and waited for the police. A local Bellingham PD officer showed up (arms covered in tattoos, bloated steroid muscles), interviewed me, saw my video & pictures, wrote down the plate number & gave me a business card with a case #. He told me to call if the guy showed up again.
- It wasn't long after the cop left that the guy walked back into the store, this time with "backup." Some overweight bureaucratic female showed up with him and she looked just as pissed and psychotic as he did. He pointed at me, she said "That guy?!", and then they both put up their cameras like they were filming me. I jumped up, told them they can't film in a private business & went to call the police again. The fat lady looked like a typical government agent on "official" business. She had an ID badge & a damn walkie-talkie, not to mention an attitude that attempted to convey a person in charge. Wow, he had some "handler".
- This really was embarrassing for me because the guy and his 'friend' used his deafness & speech impediment to gain sympathy with the "barista" & the local cop who showed up . The other staff I spoke to didn't buy it. So, the same cop shows up & the fat lady intercepts him outside. I realized that the cop must be here, so I went outside and saw her intensely talking to the officer. He motioned for me to wait. I have no idea what she told him. The cop then came inside & went to the coffee shop register where the "barista" & the psycho were talking (he was only writing now, apparently he forgot how to talk). <<< See how bad this makes me look? Planned!
- The disgustingly rude "barista" bitch actually coached the psycho & his friend, telling them they should buy something, making them official "customers", as opposed to me. But then it got really interesting... She actually told the police that she saw ME jump up from my chair, run toward the guy, and that I ASSAULTED HIM.
- They talked for a long time, then I see the psycho walk out the store. His lady friend never came back in the store after talking to the cop. I got up and walked toward the cop, telling him that I wanted to press charges for the assault. This may seem like a trivial matter, but damn it, when this stuff happens to you on a daily basis, you need to do something. The cop looks at me seriously, informs me that he now has a witness that says I assaulted the psycho. He actually looked like he was about to arrest me. I was extremely pissed and likely giving him a dirty look when I told him that was bullshit and that she was lying because she doesn't like me. I asked him to speak to the other employees and to watch the store video. I went over to the manager, told him the lying employee is trying to get me arrested & so he told the cop that he would try and get him the video ASAP (if recoverable, but the 'incident' occurred in an area with poor video coverage). The cop didn't care and annoyingly said that he has no plans of arresting ANYONE here and left the store. C'est la vie.
UPDATE: May 15, 2015 (Canadian's & others are here, stalking, harassing & ASSAULTING me. Also got hacked. Numerous new faces in coffee shops, multiple attempts at hacking me.)
- A lot more people have been pointing cameras at me this week... being rude, obnoxious assholes. I'll be the only one there & someone will always come in, sit down directly next to or across from me in the coffee shop. They will pull out their cellphone and literally place it vertical, pointed right in my damn face & start texting, emailing, web-surfing, or possibly even recording. I think the schmucks are doing it just to annoy me (a tactic to cause me to "react" & get myself in trouble), but who cares. Started having problems with my internet connection, then early evening my Google account wasn't accessible and I got a warning saying someone might be trying to intercept my online activities. I told the store co-owner but there was nothing she could really do.
- Ironically?, there was only one other person in the coffee shop besides me... a weird acting guy who sat in a dark area with his baseball cap brim pulled down over his eyes, his head held low to the table, and pointing a cellphone/camera in my direction. He seemed to be intensely focused on what he was doing. No one in the store had ever seen him before. He left early evening and I never got back online for two days due to computer problems. I left at 9pm closing and sat at the outside tables to eat an apple, muffin & can of beans (more than I usually have available) before leaving for my "camp" site. Around 9:30pm, a red car pulls up in front of the store, roughly 100 feet from me. The car was pointing it's headlights on me for about 5 minutes. Finally, the lights went out, the driver door opened & closed, but no one got out.
- About 9:45pm, I got up, put on my gear and decided to walk by the vehicle to see who was stalking me in the otherwise empty and large parking lot. Well, well, well... it was the guy in the red cap from earlier. Maybe he was just using the wi-fi, but it still creeped me out, especially shining his headlights on me. I walked past the car (5-10 feet away), nodded at him and walked past the back of his car at an angle, trying to read the plates. My cellphone was in my hand. I got about twenty feet when this guy jumps out of his car, starts SCREAMING (with a speech impediment, likely deaf but also psychotic and played the "victim" well). "Hey, you took a picture of my car!!! Why'd you take a picture???!!! He was running toward me, screaming & repeating the same thing! He got waaaay too close for my comfort. I firmly told him to back the hell up or I would kick his ass. He kept yelling and leaning toward me. I warned him again, repeating my ultimatum. I told him that he did NOT see me take a picture of his damn car. He then took his cellphone and appeared, or pretended, to take my picture. I walked away, assuming it was just another Bellingham psycho.
- The night before, I woke up around 1am with a guy looking at me from about 8-10 feet away. I yelled at him to get lost. Second time this week. On Tuesday morning, after 4am, I woke up to find a guy standing almost directly over me. I freaked, tore off my sleeping bag, jumped up and headed straight for him, screaming. He jumped back, but not far enough, so I ran closer & told him to get the fuck out of here. He complied. Both guys were clean-cut, 20's or 30's. This, after having to walk around for two hours, trying to shake three black-clad street gangsta-wannabe's (2 male, 1 female).
- Severe back/neck pain on a daily basis. Going to need more #MMJ very soon.
- Haven't had an actual real meal since breakfast on April 28th (my birthday). Just snacks, bread, a few cans of soup/beans for the last two weeks.
- My Craigslist posts are still getting a lot of flaky, greedy, sleazy responders looking for slave labor.
- No luck at the food-bank this week. Mostly bread and a few fruits/veggies. I'm going to be very hungry after a 3-4 days. Then again, I'm already malnourished and hungry. Now, it's getting warmer, which means more energy, more sweat, more misery.
- Been back to my old street-living routine for about a week. Losing weight again and I re-pinched some back nerves (didn't stretch before I packed on my gear). I can only go to the food-bank once a week, where I have to wait in a long line for up to an hour or more on busy days. I can't carry enough food to get through the week, so I ration what I get each day in order to survive on mostly bread, a few fruit & vegetables, healthy snacks, occasional soup. Less than one meal per day, usually. Instant coffee, unless I get a few dollars for helping someone (rare).
- Desperate for bus fare so I don't have to walk all over town with 120+ pounds of gear & food. I didn't shower, shave, or do laundry for the first few weeks (starting April 1st) because I was flat broke, malnourished, weak, in horrible pain, and could barely walk... so, I couldn't get to the distant church that offers free showers & laundry twice a week (too far to walk for me).
- My clothes and bags are starting to show some serious wear after years of abuse on the streets & in the backwoods. My only boots are literally about to fall off of me. Leather side is torn open, souls cracked & getting worse, heals are steep angled & have large holes, no longer water tight or warm.
- Upon arriving at Isabelle's front door this morning after 9am, she opened the door and immediately started growling at me that I "obviously hadn't checked email this morning" before I got there. From there, she let me in, only to continue belittling me in front of Ron & his son (his daughter was also there for some reason). Ron actually made me a large breakfast & coffee. While he was playing with his kids & Isabelle was in the kitchen, I made my escape out the front door to begin walking north... somehow hoping to make it to Bellingham.
- Ron
picked me along the way, driving me into a nearby town where I could
hop on a Greyhound bus. I spent all of my remaining money on the bus
fare, arriving in Bellingham around 4pm on my Birthday.
- I can only hope that I will finally get an opportunity to make some money, heal my body/mind and reclaim my stolen life. Back to the streets for tonight and ????
- I checked my emails for other offers & saw that I had one from a guy who I had previously discussed working with. He was about an hour north of Chehalis & drove down to meet me for coffee and a chat. I let Isabelle know that I was going to meet him & spend a night or two on the guys property to see if his offer to barter for work/housing/food would be mutually beneficial.
- Almost immediately upon arriving at his property, I became very concerned. NOTHING was as promised, the property was more like a farm/junkyard with a new house under construction amid the massive piles of "junk", vehicles + animals (hog, cow, alpacas, goats, chickens, 6 dogs,...). The old 70's era RV that I was supposed to live in was filthy, moldy, smelled of mice & dog crap, had no hot water, no internet, no food, etc. All of these things had previously been discussed as requirements for my living there. Once again, my health, safety & financial benefit were completely ignored and/or simply overlooked.
- After the second day, I told Roy that I simply could not risk jeopardizing my health by living there without being able to eat properly, manage my health conditions, & work only for 'stuff' (no cash). His family lived a typical junk-food, beer & sports lifestyle & could not possibly relate to my lifestyle choices (healthy, non-"American", freedom-loving recluse).
- He seemed to quickly realize that he had not kept up with his initial promises and apologized for not having everything up-to-par as we had discussed prior to my arrival. He is sincerely a very busy guy with a lot of commitments and may have actually been simply unaware of how dire my current situation is. Either way, he went out of his way to drive me back to Isabelle's house & even gave me $40 cash.
- Late Saturday night... Got a last minute offer to barter my construction/handyman services for food/rent by some crazy French lady who lives on a remote property in Chehalis, WA, 3+ hours south of Bellingham. I was initially apprehensive about her because she seemed flirtatious and I wasn't interested in dating her, which I made clear. She was VERY anxious to pick me up & offered to drive 3+ hours to get me & drive all the way back to her property. Day one @ her house was pretty rough due to my hungry/tired/stressed condition on this day.
- Shortly after arriving at her house (after 4am), she gave me some medicine (MMJ) for my pain/nausea/stress/etc. & something to drink. I got really dizzy & excused myself to the bathroom. I almost immediately had to sit on the cold floor & literally collapsed forward, slamming my forehead on her tiled-concrete bathroom floor (3 times, I think. Loud cracking noise.). This resulted in several concussions & serious forehead bruising/tenderness.
Major square bruise shortly after awaking that afternoon. It got much bigger and black/blue/yellow. - Lack of food, sleep & stress has taken quite a hold on my health lately. I had just been offered a place to live, eat & work as a handyman. She even offered to set me up with a new high-end picture-framing business because she had already purchased the equipment/supplies, but no time for the business. I gladly accepted her offers. I spent a few days getting familiar and friendly chatting with her, her pets & the property (and cooking for her). We discussed everything imaginable, including our childhoods, politics, etc. She creeped me out when she told me about her having been molested at 5yo, that she was bisexual, and then saying how she knew kids were very sexually aware, even at that young age. She also said she had past trouble with CPS (child protective services), apparently she tried having foster kids. Scary.
- She then gets a phone call from a desperate father/son whom she had previously met, who turned down her initial offer to live/work there. He really is a good guy with a great kid, but he & his wife were having major issues (separating/divorcing) and it apparently was escalating, so he decided to call Isabelle & she then decided to give my live/work/barter offer to him.
- So, I was told by Isabelle that I had to move out, to another place. I was given about an hour notice before their arrival, but was told I could stick around for a week to relax & heal before she would take me back to Bellingham or to a bus stop with $100 or so in cash to help me. In spite of my shock & disgust with this woman for betraying me, making irresponsible decisions, and her callous and condescending treatment of me, I conceded that Ron & his 6yo son needed a place to be secure (in spite of having well-off family members). I don't blame him at all. He is looking out for his kid & being a great father. Isabelle dropped me off at a nearby gas station to meet Roy. She gave me $40 & a good sample of her potent MMJ.
- Big surprise... The skinhead with a goatee (pink/black backpack & nice Mountain Bike) followed me AGAIN last night after I left to find a place to sleep. I'm lucky if I had 6 hours sleep for the previous three nights, so this was getting old. ENOUGH DAMN IT, I NEED SLEEP! I used my cellphone "Emergency Call" feature to call 911 and make a report. Two Bellingham PD officers showed up and were professional & respectful. I ALWAYS respect any police who abide by their OATH and don't 'shoot the messenger.'
- After a very long chat about what has been happening to me & perhaps why, they went looking for the guys following & harassing me for the last week. They told me to call back if I spot them. About 1/2 hour later, both guys passed me while I was resting in a dark secluded place. They both seemed panicked, as if they knew the cops were looking for them. The skinhead even ditched his bike for a skateboard & changed clothes (small backpack for quick-change clothes?). I didn't see them any more last night & eventually found a place to crash for roughly four hours sleep. Had a GREAT dinner before sleep. The 1st real meal in two weeks. I still have plenty of good seeded bread, big carrots & a few other snacks. Slim pickings till next Monday, but at least I will not starve. I also have plenty of coffee... :)
- Today, I had no choice but to do a major foot cleaning & change of socks. My feet were so swollen because I changed my wool socks to thin cotton, which caused MORE blisters. Since I added more weight (food), I'm carrying around 120 pounds now and limping in PAIN from blisters, spinal pain, stress, fatigue, dehydration,.........
- Today, to add to my recent joyful experiences, another Bellingham psychopath (Chucky, aka MrWtfchuck on YouTube), without any provocation, makes bizarre & insulting comments, as well as BS lies, on one of my YouTube videos. I let him know that his big mouth was "writing checks his body can't cash." He thinks he's some great anti-cop activist (HE provokes them, then cries when they beat his ass). Just another troll loser trying to provoke me. Pffft! :\
- Tomorrow, I'm doing a lot of CAD, 3D & Design #marketing. I MUST GET WORK & PUT A ROOF OVER MY HEAD, ASAP.
- Whoa! Close call today around 3:30pm, after getting food from the food-bank. Desperately hungry, dehydrated, exhausted, stressed... almost blacked out. No meals since 3/31 just snacks. Thankfully, the food-bank had some healthy portables today. Feel a little better. Hopefully I can sleep tonight.
- "They" are doing everything possible to keep me from finding a safe place to sleep each night. Whoever/whatever they are, they're actions are criminal & violate my fundamental human rights & international treaties.
- 1-2 hours sleep @ best last night. Street #thugs following me for the 3rd day in a row. The skinhead with a goatee (pink/black backpack & nice Mountain Bike) followed me again last night & was wasted out of his mind, growling, grunting, talking loud, possibly on his cell @ 2am. He then rode his bike within two feet of me & looked me right in the face with a psycho grimace. Just before he left, two Bellingham police vehicles drove by him, sitting on his bike on a corner. He is either incredibly stupid, insane, has a death wish, is an "informant", or is otherwise being "handled" by someone (police, The Mission, street gangs, etc???). I notified @BellinghamPD via my Twitter account today with a link to this Blogger post.
- After my Tweets, at least two guys who looked like cops/feds came in to the coffee shop this afternoon, sat near me & appeared to be filming/monitoring me. One guy had a small boxed case that appeared to have a large camera/lens sticking out the side, pointed at me (scanning me?). This is what they do when they want to make a person look "crazy", they toy with people. It's annoying, but my skin is thick & I am not imagining this daily harassment & organized stalking. FAIL. If I am being treated like a "person of interest", they are the ones who are delusional. I'm just trying to survive & get justice for violations of my fundamental human rights, both here in the States & in Canada. Don't put it past Canada's CSIS/RCMP to be here as well (cross-border cooperation).
- If something bad does happen to me, the police and media have been notified, so I hold this town/state government responsible if that happens. Lawsuits anyone?
- Unable to sleep 'comfortably' in my usual spot last night, I made a lot of noise & eventually tried to sleep in a tiny covered doorway, not far from the asshole who took my spot. Being extremely cold & virtually sleepless, I packed up early and heading to the coffee shop, where I can use the washroom, get hot water and even rest un-bothered. Surprise! Right in front of the coffee shop, passed out upright on a bench, was none other than my favorite skinhead "bum." (not all homeless are 'bums'). I went inside and sat on a stool at a long counter by the corner window (great view & under-counter storage for my gear).
- After being in the coffee shop for a while, the psycho skinhead with a goatee (wearing a small pink & black backpack) came in and started talking to one of his street friends (thug gangsta, dealer, thief, etc.). He was whispering something to the new guy, who then turned to look at me, quickly turning back when I saw them. They were obviously planning something & possibly surprised I made it in today? It looked ominous. A lot of these guys harassing me (often filming me with their cellphones) stay at the Lighthouse Mission shelter, which kicked me out for defending myself against an assault. 'The Mission' has a nice little network of homeless 'spies' (snitches w/ benefits) and is a haven for a lot of illegal activity.
- I was very tired, bobbing in and out of a sleeping state while trying to drink my cheap coffee grounds & read the newspaper. I noticed the new guy (with a baseball cap) appeared to be trying to film me, walking around the tables, trying to act 'casually.' The next time I saw him, I hadn't noticed that he walked up the sidewalk to the corner window just outside from where I sat. He tried to do a one handed reverse camera shot as he hid behind the buildings corner column. I saw the sneaky move, quickly turned on my camera's video, pointed it out the window & watched his shadow. He then turned the corner with his camera pointed right at me, only to see my camera pointing at him. Surprise asshole! He was surprised and tried to stay cool, but realized he was busted and promptly left. I'm turning the video over to the police, as a precaution. Will also post it to my YouTube channel soon.
UPDATE: April 11, 2015 (long story today, leads into the next days events)
- Very HUNGRY, tired, and cold. Desperately need work, as well as some type of secure & private shelter where I can stay clean & cook.
- On my way to my "camp" site, I often walk through downtown. This night, I saw a guy whom I had previously had a few run-ins with (tall, thin skinhead with a goatee & a Hebrew "Yod" symbol tattooed on his neck, also a symbol for 14th degree Scottish Rite). He gave me his usual creepy angry look. This guy is another homeless psycho let lose on the streets of Bellingham. When I was homeless from 10/2011-06/2013, I began volunteering with a small organization to feed other homeless people on Saturday mornings (Coffee, sandwiches, snacks, + socks, hygiene stuff, etc.). This guy was a regular "customer" every Saturday morning. He, and one of his female friends, would always arrive in a really foul-mouthed, obnoxious manner, demanding this & that, even threatening to cut people (especially me because I didn't tolerate their demands). They were always high on "something" and left huge filthy messes that volunteers had to clean up or face being banned from the Washington Federal banks' rear parking lot (where a 76yo Vietnam vet & his female friend have been serving homeless meals for over seven years). Late summer of 2013, I was handling all of the serving while Gabby & Ken walked around talking to and helping homeless any way they could. So, the disgusting duo showed up, separately. The female approached the serving table & started "bitching & moaning" immediately, whining about her horrible problems & demanded I go look in the van for her favorite Ramen noodles. I told her I would if she spoke to me respectfully... followed by her usual foul-mouthed insults and throwing a cup of hot coffee toward me. I told her to leave immediately. Later, her fellow "tweaker" & skinhead male friend comes up to the table. He starts making a cup of coffee & asking me strange questions. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about & ignored him. He then (twitching & flailing), knocked over his prepared coffee, went berserk, knocking things off the table & blamed me for upsetting him & spoiling his high. I walked up to him & told him to leave, now. He pushed me & I responded by chopping him in the neck, knocking him backwards. He put up his fists & came toward me. I kicked his shin which caused him pain. I then threw his bag of food on the ground & again told him to leave, firmly. He screamed & flipped over the table, dumping the large vats of coffee, water, sandwiches, snacks, etc. Numerous other people stepped in at this point & escorted him away calmly. I believe it was the next week that we were asked to no longer serve food on that lot. Weeks later, Ken & Gabby retired from serving the homeless food. That was a MAJOR source of my food, as I got all of the leftover quality sandwiches, bananas, snacks, etc. A devastating loss to myself and others.
- Both of these ungrateful, drugged-out "bums" had a lot of "street" friends, including hardcore criminals and young gang punks who sold drugs, did burglaries & other crimes. I had my own network of people on the street (non criminals) who informed me of the "bums" plans to do me harm (stab me), steal my laptop, etc. A big part of why I was always alert & carried a knife. Fortunately, I got a place to live & work for a while, but that ended on April 1, 2015. Word got around quickly that I was now back on the streets.
- So, I arrived at my usual outdoor sleeping place last night, waited around for a while until it seemed safe enough to not be seen. Shocker... someone was wrapped up in an orange sleeping bag, in my spot. I also saw a beer can and a pair of red tennis shoes by his bag. This never happened to me, after over a year of my sleeping there, likely because it's far from downtown. I instantly knew it was either one of these guys friends or it was another "setup", hoping to get me angry enough to start a fight, make threats, etc. Anything to get me in trouble. Funny, because the previous night was similar.
- Homeless Again - Day 9: Haven't had a meal in 10 days. NO coat/sleeping bag/food/shower + COLD = NO SLEEP. My whole body shook & shivered hard all night on the concrete.
- My prostate & bladder issues are getting worse, as are my rash (courtesy of my last "home" - a WA State licensed healthcare providers morbidly filthy house/zoo/mental institution). I barely & painfully keep control of my bladder. My rib injury is likely pinched nerves.
- Managing #dehydration a little better. Who knew @barleans fish-oil supplements (from food-bank) could be used to hydrate in an emergency?
- Had to sew holes in my wool socks, which left "bumps" on heels... now blisters. I'm down to 3 bagels, 1 orange & 1/2 a baguette till Monday.
- #TwitterPoll - What would likely kill @Kevin_P_Wright first?
Malnutrition, hypothermia, dehydration, stroke, disease, assault, or gov't. - Bellingham has been as heartless & cruel to me as the psychopaths in Canada who stole my truck, tools & literally everything else I owned before deporting me.
- Great! My hands are bright red. Back of hand is obviously a rash. Warm sensation, sore/fatigued fingers. Heading out into the rain shortly. Goodnight.
- Left the coffee shop, went outside to organize my gear & to examine my severely hurting left foot. Oh my, it was ugly! Here's a picture of my dried out feet & the nasty, painful blister that I had to drain before walking further (the upper black spots are sock lint):
- After carrying all my gear through the rain last night, taking numerous short rest breaks as usual, I arrived at a 'safe' & covered outdoor sleeping place and began setting up for the night. A few minutes later, I heard a car pull up nearby, but could not see it. I heard two guys talking & then saw one black and one white male (both clean-cut, professional looking) walked up on me & didn't seem too surprised to see me hidden from view. The black guy was holding a new guitar, the white guy was bald, both roughly in their 30's. The white guy said "Oh, hi. Don't worry, you're not busted." I said I was just getting ready to sleep and that I was not worried. He seemed surprised to hear that. I asked what they were doing there. The white guy said "Just prais'n the Lord." They began to play guitar while "attempting" to sing the same song. I told them I was "desperately tired" & asked if they planned on being here long. The white guy said "Desperate? Oh wow, well we won't be long." They respectfully walked away shortly after I laid down & began their duet while walking around for about 20-30 minutes. As they were walking to their car to leave, the bald white guy sang one last line... "Judgement day is coming soon." Right. Coincidence, or a subtle message?
- Fortunately, I was able to medicate & covered myself with a large plastic 'raincoat' (a piece of thin plastic). I think I slept for 3-4 hours, off & on, tossing & turning, shivering.
- I made it through the cold night without a sleeping bag, coat or gloves. Used 5 shirt layers & 2 pants. Found a coat liner > my old 'pillow'
- Got to town, sat down to unload 100+ lbs & rest my injured back. VERY hungry today. 2 carrots & some oatmeal left till Monday's food bank.
- It's close to my last stop for the day & its clean, so been using Bellingham's Washington Federal bank's empty sidewalk bench to stretch my back, relax 1-2 hrs.
- Today @ 10:30am, a snobbish overweight woman walks up & offers me a cup of cheap office coffee. I said "no thanks". She then ID'd herself as Bank Mngmnt.
- Looked @ me like I was a 'bum' & said "We've gotten some complaints from customers". BS, I'm super-tidy wherever I crash, leaving it as clean or better. NO ONE uses that rear bench anyway.
- Either way, she snarkily said "It's private property, You gotta go, yadda yadda... I stopped her, said Save your corporate speech & left.
- As I was PAINFULLY putting on my heavy bags & gear, I see a sign for the business upstairs from Bellingham's Washington Federal bank >
- Possible fractured/bruised ribs. EXTREME PAIN last night. Rolled over, screamed, lost bladder control.
- As if my f'n life couldn't be humiliating enough. Had to walk through town. Laid down on sidewalk for 4 hrs.
- Shaking/cold/wet. 1 person stops, gave me MMJ. Needed! My coat, belt, sleeping bag... WET! I'm screwed.
- No $$, nutritious food, laundry, shower & now... no coat or bedding tonight. Can't walk far to anything.
- The local homeless shelter (The Lighthouse Mission) = worse than jail, run by a right-wing ex-Warden & the YMCA had gay guys w/ a cell camera in the shower locker room last time I was there. < sicko's
- Followed/stalked, ppl taking pics "discretely". Blood sugar, dehydration, rash, cold my BIG concern.
UPDATE: April 06, 2015
- Flat broke (penniless).
- Food bank only has a few items that I can carry, that don't need cooking or refrigeration.
- VERY HUNGRY each day & very weak while carrying over 100 pounds of gear.
- Fighting off upper respiratory phlegm, sore throat, as well as rashes & foot fungus (from the filthy house where I was staying).
- Without a bus pass or money... NO SHOWER OR LAUNDRY ACCESS.
- Sleeping on concrete in near-freezing temperatures with thin sleeping bag & foam pad.
- Coat zipper has been broken for 3 years. Holes in my socks, underwear & my only footwear (boots).
- Still carrying over 100 pounds
- Extremely fatigued, but strong surges when blood-sugar & protein levels are elevated (rarely).
- Constant and severe pain (spine, ribs, hip joints, neck...)
- Resorting to lots of stretching/yoga.
- Cancer/Diabetes related "issues"
- Some vitamins and supplements.
- No work. No one will hire me or answer email.
- Survival instincts are strong. Combat ready.
- On April 1st, 2015, I will be homeless, once again. I currently get enough food from the local food-bank for one decent meal per day plus healthy 'snacks'. This will not be possible when I am homeless because I will no longer have a place to cook or to store food. I will be living penniless, as always, although things are worse now and I have no storage for my belongings, mostly valued books and computer stuff.
- Without a steady income, steady & appropriate diet, as well as trying to survive the stressful life while being homeless, I will not have enough (if any) proper nutrition or supplements to control tumors, severe back/neck pain, properly regulate my low blood sugar, etc. The tumor is back, currently small but re-metastasizing. Thought it was gone for good, but my lifestyle and stressful/unhealthy living conditions have made it a bit hard to fight it off.
- Extreme stretching & Yoga are necessary to manage extreme pain, but only IF I have access to decent Cannabis for limber joints, relaxed muscles, blood flow, healing and general happiness. This keeps me very slim and extremely fit looking, but I have to stay slightly medicated just to deal with severe and chronic pain, nausea, and many other issues/concerns. I'm down to small amount of really crappy shake weed & the occasional hit from someones dab bong... (heavenly pain relief).
- Update March 22, 2015 --- Due to the deeply disturbing living conditions that I am currently under (filth, disease, mold, rotting food, animal/human fecal matter, mental illnesses, numerous pets with illness/mites/fleas/lice, butchering roadkill, a now-removed hanging deer carcass in the basement, etc.) and the cruel and inhumane treatment that I receive from my current "hostess" (homeowner's 58yo daughter), a medical "caretaker" for sick and dying people, I may have contracted or caught some contagious skin condition. I was originally hired as a "handyman" at the request of my hostess' elderly mother, with room and board provided. Her mother was here for the summer/fall of 2013 from Annapolis, to visit her children/grandchildren & pay for removing garbage & run-down vehicles as well as repairing the usual damage done to her kids trust-fund house (also trying to sell her sailboat before she moves).
- Her mother eventually grew to respect me, my skills, and my ability to communicate & put some sense into her daughter. She respected/trusted my opinion and even asked me before she left, with watering eyes, to keep "encouraging" her 57yo daughter as I had been (sometimes blunt, but very honest and helpful information... truth can be painful). She wanted to let me know that she really appreciated everything I was doing. Once her mother had gone back east, I started getting treated like a "bum" (progressively) and must now, finally move out. It should be noted that, along with my re-metastasizing belly tumor (elsewhere?), I have caught an awful case of foot fungus (shower) and a frightening new rash quickly covering my body. It started almost immediately after my last laundry load.
- The homeowner, my "hostess", is a home healthcare provider (usually for elderly or bedridden), but never told me that she washes her very ill, bed-ridden clients shit-covered laundry in the shared household washer. She also washes her little lapdogs ass with household washcloths, which I stopped using once I discovered this. All three current dogs like to roll in the piles of goat shit out back with the other "compost." They sleep on the furniture during the day and in her room at night. Occasionally, they get a bath when really stinky or obvious. The little one is the royal queen bee, the others neglected with skin conditions, mites, etc. She knows I'm a germaphobe and despises me for it. She routinely accuses me of vulgar and unclean things around the household (perhaps her imaginary 'protector' friend told her). I'm assuming this is to compensate for her pig-sty house that should be quarantined or condemned. I honestly worry that I have been poisoned as well. I have had at least three or four "mini-strokes" since I moved in, over 18 months ago and I've been nauseous for weeks. It doesn't help that the water filter has been tossed out (not replaced) after I stated it was two months past its two month lifespan. So now, until next week, I have no clean drinking water. I have not been able to drink tap water since I was a kid without getting sick. More fruits and soups till then.
- I know I probably sound like an "ungrateful" homeless 'bum' and it probably seems foolish that I stayed so long, but it didn't start out like this. Her mental issues are rapidly escalating in a very frightening manner and she refuses to admit it, other than to 'blame it on A.D.D.' She now feels less threatened by her son (thanks to my coaching & his choice for less alcohol, more pot), so she feels more empowered to be ridden of me before her 84yo mother returns from Annapolis and has a major f'ing heart-attack when shes sees how her daughter has allowed the house and garage/barn to return, much much much worse than before she paid me to do so many repairs, upgrades, cleaning, garbage removal, landscaping, etc.
- I'm
truly desperate for a new home, no matter how temporary. I really feel, now more than ever, that I'm very much in danger;
my old tumor seems to be re-metastasizing below my belly-button (same as
the previous one, but still a small knot), I've been nauseated for weeks
(not likely pregnant), I have a rapidly onset skin condition that is
now spread to my eyelids/corners, and numerous other medical conditions.
And yet, I still look so ruggedly handsome and fit. How do I do it? :\
- The Night Before 03/23/2015 Neither an act, nor untrue... eight days & nights before I am kicked back to the streets from whence it came, for I no longer being of service; I calmly informed my gracious hostess that after a little research on prominent and respected medical websites (with pictures, detailed symptoms, etc), it appears extremely likely I have been shat upon but once again as it seems I have been blessed with a curse. Twas after my last wash of clothing, Wednesday the 18th of March ----> After I was hosed down... okay, after my shower, I put upon my "freshly clean" clothing and within mere hours was feeling an itch in some rather unspeakable places (webbing of hands, armpits, waste-band, crotch/leg joints). Yep!!!... pretty fucking pissed about this one folks). It seems like it started on my hands/webbing, armpits, or at least that's where I first noticed. It was barely noticeable at first (cause, you know, I'm a man damn it) and I put on some "Tea Tree Oil"... what I was able to slap out of the two old empty bottles I found in the medicine cabinet. Shhhhhh! Don't tell, but I also stole some vinegar, although I suspect that has become quite obvious by now. *sniff* Seems the stuff has some ability to kill parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc but it has its drawbacks & weaknesses and therefore not a ummmmm, sustainable solution.
- Annoying, but not constant itching, although there has been a steadily increasing amount of a burning sensations over the last week, in spite of my limited ability and resources to treat it.
- I let her know I was very certain that due to the current conditions in and around the house & yard, as well as the cross-contamination from multiple animals, sickly clients, healthcare facilities, infectious goats living in a rat-infested garage + the neighbors rat-infested garage/compost, her abysmal cleaning standards, etc. that I believe she is responsible for my current skin condition and other recent (sudden) ailments. With a forced look of concern, she went on to try to convince me it was likely an allergy (she blames EVERYTHING on gluten allergies). I told her, from my research so far and from the obvious symptoms, I believe it is SCABIES... and I am VERY repulsed about this, being a seriously clean germaphobe and having been told last summer to seriously lower my water usage due to new rate increases, so I cut back to one shower a week and nightly "washcloth" baths as well as regular changes of socks, underwear, t-shirts.
- I first asked her if she, any other member of the household, or any of her bedridden clients had any current or recent skin conditions? Her response... "uggghhh" (eyes to the upper left) "ummm, no." I was about to ask her if she would go to the store the following day and purchase some simple, inexpensive and natural treatments. Instead, she asked me what I was going to use to treat it and said it in a manner that implied it was 100% my problem. I then asked if she had anything natural I could use? (seeing as how she began hiding all of her natural herbs & spices from me early last summer). So, what was her response? "Ummmm, the only thing I know of that works is what I used on the goats for their lice. I mean, you're welcome to use the dog shampoo." I told her I was not a dog and was not going to use dog shampoo, then I went to bed after coating my body in vinegar. Today, March 24th, she bought me one ounce of natural tea-tree oil at the local discount store (about $5) plus I saw she purchased another gallon of vinegar. BTW, lapdog just got $700+ of vet procedures from someone who is 'broke'. That little dog eats better than I do.
- It should also be noted, and be of concern, that 2-3 months ago my housing "hostess" invited a soft-spoken male "boyfriend"/protector/counselor over to spend the night (he left early, said it was too dirty here). He rarely visited her, but they often had long phone chats, especially whenever she felt "insecure" about her volatile relationship with her son. I've talked to him a few times and he seems very level-headed. However, on his last visit, we were all talking about various current global politics, national security, etc. which somehow led to personal security, mixed-martial arts, and weaponry. I demonstrated a few high kicks, blocks, etc., as well as some of my Yoga techniques for my back pain & fitness. He seemed half-startled, half-impressed by one of my front kicks that came nowhere near him, nor was intimidating, just a demonstration. He stepped sideways slightly and said something like... "Well, whenever I am concerned about someones skills, I have this." (lifting his shirt to reveal a loaded handgun in a waistband holster.) Hmmmm, it's all becoming a little clearer now. Even more concerning since she recently stated to me, in a little schoolgirl voice, that she had a "little friend" (imaginary?) who is always present and "she protects me from any harm." Her mother warned me about that personality. She is also addicted to her favorite show, Long Island Medium... a TLC reality television series starring Theresa Caputo as she claims to be a medium who can communicate with the deceased.
- Update March 30, 2015 --- Two nights and one day before I'm kicked back to the streets and back into homelessness. Without a place to sleep, cook, shower, etc... things are going to get rough, especially since my "hostess" has gone out of her way to make my last few weeks here completely MISERABLE and humiliating. Apparently it was not enough to give me a serious skin rash (from household filth & medical bio-waste in the shared washer/dryer). Last week, after listening to my hostess's 29yo son gagging, 'hocking' up phlegm, and spitting large volumes into the bathroom sink & toilet (daily occurrence), I waited for the air to clear & went to use the toilet. Upon lifting the seat, I see small globs of phlegm & blood stuck to the inside bowl after the toilet had been flushed. I left the seat lid up & waited for my hostess to see it. I heard her quickly clean the toilet and then... she asked her 29yo son if he was feeling alright & said that he probably should go to the doctor & check his TB. That's what I clearly heard. If true, that was NEVER disclosed to me before I moved in here, over 18 months ago. Now, two days before I'm kicked out & homeless, I have a strep throat, body ache and sleepiness.
- What little donated clothing I have is getting pretty torn up. Large holes in my only footwear (boots), as well as in my socks, long-johns and underwear. My winter/rain coat zipper has been busted for two years. I have a few pair of pants, none fit properly, and a few nice shirts.
- I am completely isolated, no more friends or family and no one will hire me due to lack of transportation, phone, address, identification, etc. Most people have a repulsive, knee-jerk reaction when they hear you are or were "homeless." <<< ewwww!!! They automatically assume you have "vices" like drug/alcohol addiction, major mental issues, etc. Rarely does anyone ever consider that there are people who were forced into a homeless situation & are kept that way as a means of controlling their activism, dissent and/or quest for justice. Before this mess began getting real ugly back in 2005, my income level was over $100,000, I was starting to fix-up & "flip" cheap real estate for quick cash (honest deals). I was living in a fifth floor condo on the beach in Lighthouse Point, Florida, restoring an old Jaguar & Bronco 4x4.
- Sadly, people only want to help you or hire you if you are like them or willing to "take one for the team" financially, politically, socially, sexually, or religiously. Pffft! I don't fit most molds and I don't care if you don't agree with my choices or opinions. I'm a naturalist who detests religious, government and corporate oligarchies or anyone else who claims "authority" over others. I also detest murderous regimes, private & corporate armies, child-molesters and those who demand and/or expect everyone to accept their bizarre behavior or 'alternative' lifestyle (even though they reject yours). I believe that a natural, nurturing and self-sufficient family, living comfortably in perfect harmony with a contemporary or "primitive" natural world, is the ideal setting to raise a healthy and happy child. You can't force nature to comply with your fantasy world. It is neither healthy nor harmonious to live an illusion.
- My current housing situation (a room w/ cooking privileges) is extremely stressful, if not down-right disturbing, as you can see. I need to move by April 1st, 2015 but have no other options other than going back to the streets. All of my books & computers will have to be given away or destroyed.
- I am not looking for any handouts, obviously, otherwise I would be on welfare or out begging like everyone else! BTW, I have never panhandled, even after approximately 2 years of being previously homeless. I am hoping to find a large remote ranch or other private property where I can earn enough barter-money to pay for nice private accommodations and food. I would also be happy with use of (or barter for) an RV, Travel Trailer, Sailboat, etc. Other than that, I prefer to be left alone to research, design and invent things to improve lives and humanity as a whole. PEACE :)
The following blog post is a detailed chronology of my story with corroborating evidence:
UPDATE: Jan. 06, 2015 Added a 06/06/2012 UPDATE link to a recovered audio file from my
old cellphone. Captured my post-assault audio, including the police interview afterwards. Also recovered many other audio and video files, documenting my homelessness. More updates coming with videos. Maintaining my weight, eating a little better, but limited quantity. Yoga/Stretching helping with back/neck pain. Not enough MMJ & horrible quality (no $). Need work and housing asap!
UPDATE: Aug. 01, 2014 - 1st of many public humiliation video's from my YouTube channel.
UPDATE: Aug. 01, 2014 - 1st of many public humiliation video's from my YouTube channel.
UPDATE: Jun. 02, 2014
More access to quality food/nutrients (when avail. @ Food Bank). Had another food-poisoning 2 weeks ago. Had 1 serious & 2 minor "mini-strokes" in the last 2-3 months. Lowest body weight since college days (30 years ago). Extreme
pain all over, especially neck & spine. Stomach/digestion problems occasionally. Getting some relief at night.
UPDATE: Mar. 06, 2014
Very little access to quality food/nutrients. Lowest unhealthy body weight since college days (30 years ago). Extreme
pain all over, especially neck & spine. Stomach/digestion problems
due to available food/diet. Getting some relief at night.
UPDATE: Feb. 19, 2013
No more access to quality food/nutrients. Extreme pain all over, especially neck, spine, ribs, and stomach during the day, but getting some relief at night.
UPDATE: Jan. 24, 2013
Feeling a little better, but still have extreme pain all over, especially neck, spine, ribs, and some stomach pain.
UPDATE: Jan. 19, 2013
Temporary access to better food/nutrients, but possibly had food poisoning this week. Extreme pain all over, especially neck, spine, ribs, and stomach.
- Fighting the "flu"/cold
- Going hungry 2 days a week, on average
- Homeless food sources = SUGAR, "meat", bread
- Walking much farther for food without a bus pass
- Sleeping on concrete in sub-freezing temperatures
- Still carrying over 100 pounds
- Extremely tired, but strong
- Constant and severe pain
- Resorting to lots of stretching
- Cancer/Diabetes related "issues"
- Out of vitamins and supplements
- Can't find any more work
- Survival instincts are growing stronger
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Jan. 10, 2013 - 7am (Homeless) |
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2008 |
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2009 |
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2011 Post-Injury, Pre-Torture |
UPDATE: June 06, 2012
Early "morning", shortly after midnight. I was sleeping in my usual place on the front covered entryway to the Garden Street Methodist Church in Bellingham, WA. I was awakened by some psychopath "chanting" in what sounded like perfect Latin. He was forcefully trying to break into the church front doors when I woke up. Here's the recording of what happened, followed by the Police interview & Trespass Warning.
This blog, and all relative personal
information of the author are not for sale, reuse or redistribution without the written
consent of the author:
Kevin Patrick Wright (TM) © Copyright April 28, 1964-present
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