...in order to save a man. The #corporate "person", once known by the all-capitalized fictitious alias "KEVIN PATRICK WRIGHT"
has finally been put out of his lifelong misery, once and for all. He
faced multiple attempts on his life and many in government and private
enterprise tried to "suicide" him or make him otherwise "disappear." I
saved them the trouble.
I, Kevin Patrick: Wright, sui juris, a flesh and blood, living and breathing human being, neither authorized, nor willingly or knowingly gave up my unalienable #natural birth rights. These rights were deceptively taken from me (as well as my Mother and Father), against my will and without my consent, in order to place me into indentured servitude to the corporate State. This bond is hereby being revoked. Any and all funds (or other valuable considerations) attributed to, reserved for, or otherwise associated with my corporate person, a.k.a. my "Straw Man", are to be returned to their rightful owner (me, Kevin Patrick: Wright, sui juris, the living human being) immediately and in gold coin or bullion.
I, Kevin Patrick: Wright, sui juris, a flesh and blood, living and breathing human being, neither authorized, nor willingly or knowingly gave up my unalienable #natural birth rights. These rights were deceptively taken from me (as well as my Mother and Father), against my will and without my consent, in order to place me into indentured servitude to the corporate State. This bond is hereby being revoked. Any and all funds (or other valuable considerations) attributed to, reserved for, or otherwise associated with my corporate person, a.k.a. my "Straw Man", are to be returned to their rightful owner (me, Kevin Patrick: Wright, sui juris, the living human being) immediately and in gold coin or bullion.
The following document (photocopy)
and associated numerical representations were issued after my natural
birth. My true biological mother and father are identified clearly, as
are the relative dates and locations of birthplaces.
Kevin Patrick Wright, sui juris
(the natural, living & Sovereign man)
DOB: April 28, 1964
Born at Riverview Hospital in Noblesville, Indiana